Seasonal Shifts

Living in a state where we experience four seasons I’ve become attuned to how the seasons influence my body and routine. I’ve always been one to love fall. I love the cool, crisp days and seeing the leaves change. It’s an excuse to cozy up in sweaters and be a homebody. However, this season has been more challenging for me to adjust. I’d observed myself feeling tired, having a hard time finding a new routine, and needing to have some introspective time.

After a really fun summer spent traveling, celebrating, and exploring I felt an overwhelming sense of tiredness. My body was urging me to rest, reset and recharge. For me, that entails cooking, going yoga, writing, hot baths, neighborhood walks, hydrating, acupuncture (more to come on this new ritual), listening to music, cozying up with movies, sleeping in, and spending at home with Scout. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to really lean into these feelings. It’s not always easy, but it’s been a good exercise in learning to prioritize myself. And sure enough, a few days later my energy, enthusiasm, and positivity were back.

With the days getting shorter, I’ve found myself having a hard time finding a new routine. I was on such a roll waking up early, walking scout, and having “me time” before work. But that’s just not happening right now. And that’s okay. Instead of trying to force old routines, I’m reframing and looking at this time as an opportunity to create a new fall lifestyle.

And lastly, there’s an Emma Chamberlain trend going around on TikTok that focuses on ‘if you’re in a season of needing to go inward and spend with time yourself’ - that’s okay. I really resonated with that sentiment. In a society that often rewards extroversion, I appreciated the reminder and validation. So if you’re in a period of time when you’re needing some “me time” I’m right there with you. And what a gift it is to spend time with yourself. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your love for your mind, body, and spirit.

Here are a few things that have been bringing me joy this season:

  • Music: I’m a big fan of creating playlists. I always have music playing in my house through Sonos, here’s one of my new favorite playlists Slow Mornings!

  • Neighborhood Walks: Scout keeps me accountable for our morning and evening walks to the park.

  • Bakery Four Fridays: It’s fun having an end of the week tradition to look forward to!

  • Candles: I love having taper candles lit in the evening, Floral Society is my favorite!

  • Baths: As the evenings start getting cooler, I’ve loved starting to have baths again. Dr. Teals makes the most amazing pre-bedtime melatonin bath salts!

What brings you joy?


Bodega Los Alamos


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